IGN(In-Game name): Neo (I used to be TylerKG123.)
Timezone: EST
Your SteamID: Ex. STEAM_0:0:56786477
Your Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073838682
Time you are most active: most evenings
Why I want/should be a moderator: I've been here since the 2014-15 days of The Morgue, it's the only DarkRP server family I've ever enjoyed, and I love helping out
Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Yes.
Are you willing to listen to any staff member chosen to mentor and guide you as a staff member, even if you don't need it?: Yes.
Have you ever been banned/kicked/muted?: I remember almost nothing before 2017, but I do remember being an insufferable little idiot, so probably