IGN(In-Game name): Joseph Mama
Currently standing at 875 Hours on gmod.
Timezone: PST
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:55611204
Your Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071488137/
Time you are most active: 12PM-12AM PST
Why I want/should be a moderator: I personally want to apply for a Moderator position ultimately to make the server a more enjoyable experience for everyone, new or returning players. I was very active on the MorgueRP times ago, and always appreciated the good times and laughs I've made from my experience on the server and wish now only to return the favor. I'd like to make the experience the best as possible for any and all players, and when necesarry tend to more serious matters such as minges.
Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Yes.
Are you willing to listen to any staff member chosen to mentor and guide you as a staff member, even if you don't need it?: Yes, ofcourse.
Have you ever been banned/kicked/muted?: No.Currently standing at 875 Hours on gmod.